Donation Wish List

Explore our donation wish list - a curated selection of items that can make a significant impact on the lives of those we serve! From educational materials for children to basic necessities, every item on our wish list contributes to build stronger, more vibrant community. Your kindness matters, and together, we make a lasting difference.

Our program staff have identified the following items as being in high demand: 

  • Infant formula (Any type of formula is appreciated as long as it is in new, fully sealed containers)

  • New reusable lunch bags for the children’s school lunches

  • Craft kits for children

  • Lego kits for children

  • Bean bag chairs (wipeable fabric)

  • Adult bus tickets

  • Wipes

  • Walmart gift cards ($25)


Drop Off Instructions

Donations can be dropped off at Merrymount:
1064 Colborne Street (at Huron).
London, ON N6A 4B3

Preferred drop off times are between 8am-4pm during the week, and 9am-6pm on weekends.

Any further inquiries can be sent to Charlotte Cross-Kihs.

(519) 434-6848 ext. 229